Maddy is a Physiotherapist (Resident) and a yoga instructor. With a wealth of experience in movement from her time as a yoga teacher, and a passion for pelvic health, Maddy is dedicated to providing personalized care at Zenith Physio Pilates.

When not at the clinic, Maddy enjoys spending time with her toddler and husband. She likes to practice yoga, garden, surf, cook and walk her dog on the beach.

Maddy, PT (Resident), graduated from Dalhousie University in 2022 with a Masters of Science in Physiotherapy. She completed her Yoga Teacher teacher training in 2016. She has completed post-graduate courses in Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation. Her Bachelors Degree was in Industrial Engineering from the University of Toronto.

Maddy has worked as an Physiotherapist in public practice since graduating.  She continues to teach yoga on the South Shore.

Therapist Qualifications

  Master of Science in Physiotherapy (M.Sc.PT)
  Postgraduate Diploma in Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation
  500-hr Certified Yoga Instructor